Infertility is a condition when a person, especially woman is unable to conceive. It may cause her feels guilty and wrong of being a woman. Indirectly, people around her will receive negative impact. Although all efforts are available out there, but she will consider that she is unable to give birth normally. Generally, people thought that pregnancy cannot be successfully achieved without substantial medical aids. However, there are a lot of aspects which are contributing to the success of getting pregnant.

increase infertility

Pregnancy may not be experienced by some infertile women. The long period of awaiting the desired pregnancy is a nightmare for some women. Being experienced by infertility brings fear and anxiety, since a woman are terrified for not falling pregnant.

The Cause of Infertility

In women, many factors are causing infertile problems. The most common cause is endometriosis – this occurs when wall of the uterus is getting thick. Another cause is PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). PCOS happens due to the hormonal imbalance. Both conditions will greatly reduce the chance of conceiving.

Actually, there are still plentiful factors which disrupt the balance of fertility for example; pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroid, STD/STI, and other chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and some thyroid diseases.

If you are currently overweight or underweight, it determines that the chance of conception is reduced. Moreover, smoking, stress and alcohol influence the ability to get pregnant.

More than 30% of infertile problems are related to infertility in men. Similar with women, the overall health and lifestyle play the important role, but some medical problems should be considered as well. In rare cases, there is obstruction in passage for sperm transport. This obstruction can be caused by trauma of sports which is affecting testicles.

Another cause of infertility in men is the genetic disorder. The deviation of chromosome disrupts cells division, and prevents pregnancy.

Similarly, women may also experience the disorder or lack of hormone. Prolactin, which is a hormone contributes in stimulating breasts, affects fertility likewise. Just read more here about 4 easy natural ways to increase fertility, for all of you who have infertility experiences.

Natural Ingredients to Increase Fertility

Majority might think that infertile problem is congenital disease which are not capable to be solved. However, there are a lot of possibilities to fix infertility using approaches, or remedies which are natural and safe. These are natural ingredients that are the good resources of various needed substances for boosting fertility:

  1. Brown rice – contains complex carbohydrate which will help in raising fertility in women, by promoting the regular ovulation.
  2. Milk – women who are in effort to get pregnant, are advised to avoid drinking milk, as it aggravates infertility.
  3. Olive oil – it increases the sensitivity of body towards insulin, and reduces inflammation. Its efficacious effects are beneficial for getting pregnant.
  4. Broccoli – a recent study said that food that is rich with vitamin c, is essential for couples who have plan to conceive. As, it absolutely increases fertility.

Don’t despair when you have realized of being stricken by infertile problems, there are a lot of ways to help you raise your fertility. However, the mentioned remedies above are not intended to replace the medical advisory which has been proven.

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