How to Conceive a Baby Girl | Gender selection, or predetermining the sex of your baby, is a controversial topic in the medical field. While most doctors and fertility experts disregard the “old wives’ tales” and rituals surrounding gender selection, some researchers claim that certain techniques may increase the chances of conceiving a boy or girl.

baby girl

baby girl, image : pixabay

Couples have a 50/50 chance of conceiving a boy or a girl through plain old-fashioned intercourse. Yet there are some people who might want to stack the odds in their favor, either for cultural reasons, for dreams of raising a son or a daughter, or to balance out their families.

If you’re vying for a girl, consider these tips to raise your chances of having a baby girl.

Understanding the Shettles method.

The Shettles Method is based on the idea that the X chromosome sperm (girl sperm) is bigger, stronger and more durable than the Y chromosome sperm (boy sperm). However their strength and durability make them somewhat lacking in speed and swiftness.

The girl sperm is around three times bigger than the boy sperm. It carries more genetic material and also moves at a slower pace through the woman’s reproductive tract. Although it moves a lot slower than the boy sperm, the girl sperm can survive anywhere from 3-5 days in the woman’s reproductive system.

If you have a basic understanding on how the girl sperm behave and what their strengths and weaknesses are, you can take appropriate actions to boost the chances of conceiving a baby girl.

Determine your ovulation time.

Next, you need to determine your ovulation time.

According to the Shettles Method, you should have sex right before ovulation to increase the odds of having a boy. There are various ways to pinpoint your ovulation date as follows:

First, you can chart your cervical mucus. Observe your cervical mucus each day. Right before ovulation, the mucus should be elastic and watery, similar in consistency to a raw egg white.

Next, chart your basal body temperature. Take your temperature each morning before you get out of bed. At the onset of ovulation, the temperature will spike, and we recommend you to chart your BBT at least 2 months prior to conception.

Finally, you can use an ovulation predictor kit. An ovulation kit, which is available at most pharmacies or through online suppliers, detects when your body releases luteinizing hormone (LH) prior to ovulation.

Time your intercourse

The timing of when a couple has sex is thought to actually make a difference in helping to conceive with a girl.

Before, we went over how the girl sperm are more resilient and slower moving than the boy sperm. The girl sperm’s ability to survive longer in the female’s reproductive tract means that if a couple have sexual intercourse 3-5 days before ovulation, almost all of the boy sperm will die off by the time ovulation occurs. When ovulation does take place, nearly all the sperm will be girl carrying sperm and the couple will most likely to have a baby girl.

So if you want a baby girl, you and your partner are encouraged to have sexual intercourse as much as possible up until 3 days prior to ovulation. This will ensure that Y-chromosome sperm die off by the time ovulation occurs, effectively increasing your chances of having a baby girl.

Essentially, what you want to do is to time intercourse so that you are having sex as far from ovulation as possible but still close enough that the sperm will still survive.

Sexual positioning to conceive a girl

Once the ovulation period is determined and sexual intercourse has begun, it is important to note that the depth of penetration, sexual position, and presence or lack of orgasm will also affect the gender of your baby.

Shallow penetration is more likely to deposit the sperm closer to the entrance of the vagina, which is more acidic than the area near the cervix. The theory is that the acidity will weaken the boy sperm while allowing more girl sperm available for egg fertilization.

So instead of “going deep,” the man should ejaculate as close to the opening of the vagina as possible. This will make it much more difficult for the male sperm to reach your egg, since they have a shorter lifespan than female sperm do.

No female orgasm

When women achieve orgasm during sex, their bodies produce a substance that makes the vagina more alkaline, which benefits Y sperm. Shettles claims the orgasmic contractions also help push the sperm into the cervix faster.

Boy sperm thrive in this type of environment, while female sperm prefer the more acidic, pre-orgasm one.

Modify your diet

Apart from the methods described above, modifying your diet also plays a role in determining the gender of your baby. Certain diets can alter the body’s pH and conditions the vagina’s environment to better suit the X or Y sperm.

baby girl

baby girl – image:wikipedia

Well, please read more related posts at for a detailed explanation on how you can adopt the “having a girl” diet to dramatically increase the chances of conceiving the baby of the gender of your choice.

That’s it for this installment, be sure to join us again next time for our continued discussion on pregnancy and beyond. Please leave a comment and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button.

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