Homemade toothpaste pregnancy test is one of the methods that have been used by many people over the years. It is an old wives tale that has come to be one of the most reliable ways of testing pregnancies among women. Basically an explanation on how it works is this: If a woman is pregnant, she would have in her urine and her body system the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone. This hormone will react to a number of substances, and in almost every case, the color of the resulting mixture. It’s particularly prevalent and tempting because this homemade toothpaste pregnancy test involves a substance which is accessible to practically everybody.

Toothpaste Pregnancy Test

How to create and utilize the toothpaste pregnancy test

If you decide to give this homemade toothpaste pregnancy test a try, what you will need to do will need to do is to put your urine in a type of transparent container. You then need to add some toothpaste in the container. Note that the toothpaste you’re using should be white in color, it won’t work with any other coloration. If you’re pregnant, the toothpaste will change color to a bluish coloration.

Foam and froth will also likely to be formed, signifying pregnancy. If the color remains white, then that means you’re not pregnant. It’s important to note that the time needed for the color to change and the foam or froth to manifest differs from one woman to the next.

This homemade toothpaste pregnancy test, like numerous other homemade pregnancy tests, doesn’t really offer a dependable result as many factors needed to be taken into account. Like the quantity of urine or even the toothpaste to use in the test to name just one example.

This makes it necessary to still walk across the street and buying the pregnancy testing kit from the pharmacy. In most cases however, the method proves to be correct. Also there’s the question of timing, as in how long should we wait until the toothpaste change color and form foams.

Needless to say, this homemade toothpaste pregnancy test is not to be taken too seriously. But it can provide you with some much needed giggles and a few laughs

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