Post Tagged with: "irregular periods"


Troubles Getting Pregnant : The Possible Causes

For newly married couple like you, having a baby must be a dream that you have to achieve. However, it punches you on your face hard as you’ve planned everything concerning babies, but it turns out that you get troubles in getting pregnant. Try not to be panic! This is a normal occasion. Even though you are having sex a[Read More…]

Irregular Periods (Oligomenorrhea) Causes, Treatments

Irregular Periods (Oligomenorrhea) Causes, Treatments

Irregular Periods or also called Oligomenorrhea for those of you without a dictionary– is a medical term which refers to irregular or infrequent menstrual periods. Intervals may vary, but an irregular period is usually defined as a menstrual cycle that is consistently shorter than 21 days or consistently longer than 36 days. You can also be considered “irregular” if your[Read More…]