Other News

Video – Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

A video detailing the factors involved in getting pregnant after miscarriage. Enjoy and share it! 😀

Video – How To Get Pregnant After Birth Control

A video explaining ways on how to get pregnant after birth control, enjoy.

Video – Blocked Fallopian Tubes

A video explaining blocked fallopian tubes, a disorder which causes difficulties in getting pregnant.

Chances of Getting Pregnant from Precum

Chances of Getting Pregnant from Precum

Precum (medical term: pre-ejaculation fluid) is a source of uncertainty and confusion for teens and adults alike. This is because there has been some debate regarding whether or not precum can lead to pregnancy, and a definitive, yes-or-no answer simply does not exist. Precum is essentially a clear liquid that is discharged by the penis when a guy is having[Read More…]


What are Fibroid Tumors?

Fibroid tumors are noncancerous or benign growth that improve in the uterus muscular wall. In some occasion, fibroids do not show any symptoms, but they still give women pain and excessive bleeding, that kind of problems are certainly difficult for women. They usually grow when the estrogen level, the female hormone decreases significantly after menopause. On the other hand, it[Read More…]

How to Get Pregnant with Twins

How to Get Pregnant with Twins

If you ever wonder how to get pregnant with twins, or if you have a burning desire to have twins like Mariah Carey or Angelina Jolie did, there are some things you need to take into account before setting out on your journey. First off, as a mother of two beautiful twin girls, let me just say that having twins[Read More…]


Pregnancy After Abortion

How To Deal With Pregnancy After Abortion You must have realized that at some points, not all women plan their pregnancy. This problem leads them to the options where they choose to terminate the unwanted pregnancy. Many women find themselves full of desire and will to marry and begin families, yet as you know, life circumstances change. The life circumstances[Read More…]


Troubles Getting Pregnant : The Possible Causes

For newly married couple like you, having a baby must be a dream that you have to achieve. However, it punches you on your face hard as you’ve planned everything concerning babies, but it turns out that you get troubles in getting pregnant. Try not to be panic! This is a normal occasion. Even though you are having sex a[Read More…]

Fertility Awareness Method

Fertility Awareness Method

The fertility awareness method may very well be the most versatile and inexpensive form of birth control or family planning. Versatile, as in it can be used to prevent pregnancy as well as determining the most fertile time to conceive. Inexpensive, as the cost associated with this method is virtually non-existent, you can attend free training sessions in your community[Read More…]

how to get pregnant