Did you know that low sperm count can affect pregnancy process? Couples who are endeavoring to start trying to conceive may need to diagnose and test their fertility first. The fertility test includes a semen test (go to : nlm.nih.gov) to check the quality and quantity of sperm. In order to get pregnant, a man has to have at least 40 million sperm per ejaculation. More than 40% of couples are unable to have children because of low sperm count and low motility. About 6% of males between the ages of fifteen and fifty struggle with infertility. You can improve your sperm count by a combination of zinc and folic acid. A low sperm count can also reflect lifestyle choices that negatively impact on male fertility.

sperma count

sperma count, image : institutobernabeu.com

The lower a man’s sperm count the less likely it is that one of his sperm will fertilize his partner’s egg. This does not mean, however, that a man with a low sperm count cannot get his partner pregnant, just that the odds are reduced. The causes of a low sperm count are not fully understand. It is believed that trauma and stress may be contributing factors. Illness or infection to any part of the body can also result in a lowered sperm count. A swelling of the veins that drain the testicles may also contribute to a lowered sperm count, due to a reduction in the normal cooling of the testicle. Ejaculation problems which result in the sperm entering the bladder upon orgasm instead being expelled through the penis may also be an issue. This condition, known as retrograde ejaculation, may be brought about by diabetes, spinal injuries and bladder, prostrate or urethra surgery. Men who have had a vasectomy may also be prone to antibodies which attack sperm after mistaking them for harmful invaders.

low sperm count vs normal sperm count image

normal sperm count vs low sperm count image

Low Sperm Count Causes

There are also known environmental factors that are known to contribute to a lowered sperm count. These include extended exposure to industrial chemicals, heavy metal exposure, exposure to radiation, overuse of saunas or hot tubs that overheat the testicles and prolonged bicycling which may also overheat the testicles. In addition such lifestyle choices as illegal drug use, overuse of alcohol and smoking can contribute to a lowered sperm count.

What Kind of Treatments That You Can Do to Increase Low Sperm Count?

There are various options for those seeking treatment for low sperm count. If swelling of the veins that drain that testicles (varicocele) has been identified as a factor, a surgical procedure can be undertaken to remedy this. Surgery can also be used to repair a faulty vans deferens tube. A reproductive tract infection which is inhibiting sperm count can be cured with antibiotics. Hormone treatment may be used in order to adjust hormone levels. A recent innovation is assisted reproductive technology (ART). This involves collecting sperm through either normal ejaculation, surgical extraction or donor sperm. The sperm is then inserted into the female genital tract or used in the process in IVF.

Diet also has an impact on male sperm count. To increase sperm count it is suggested that a man supplement his diet with zinc, selenium and CoQ10.

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1. Major infertility cause in woman
2. Hormonal Imbalance on fertility

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