Fertility Problems

4 Easy Natural Ways to Increase Fertility

4 Easy Natural Ways to Increase Fertility

Infertility is a condition when a person, especially woman is unable to conceive. It may cause her feels guilty and wrong of being a woman. Indirectly, people around her will receive negative impact. Although all efforts are available out there, but she will consider that she is unable to give birth normally. Generally, people thought that pregnancy cannot be successfully[Read More…]


What are Fibroid Tumors?

Fibroid tumors are noncancerous or benign growth that improve in the uterus muscular wall. In some occasion, fibroids do not show any symptoms, but they still give women pain and excessive bleeding, that kind of problems are certainly difficult for women. They usually grow when the estrogen level, the female hormone decreases significantly after menopause. On the other hand, it[Read More…]

Male Fertility

Male Fertility

Approximately 15 percent of couples are infertile. This means they aren’t able to conceive a child even though they’ve had frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. In about half of these couples, male infertility plays a role. When couples prepare for pregnancy, they may focus only on the woman’s health. However, women alone do not account for[Read More…]

High Level of FSH

High Level of FSH

FSH, or follicle stimulating hormone, is one of the most important hormones in a woman’s reproductive health. FSH is a naturally occurring hormone released by the pituitary gland, and as the name implies, it stimulates the follicles in the ovaries to produce a mature egg for fertilization. That’s the function of FSH from a physiological standpoint. From the reproductive medicine[Read More…]

Unexplained Infertility

Unexplained Infertility

After months of unsuccessful conception attempts, you and your significant other decide to pay your reproductive endocrinologist a visit. After completing a series of tests, they find nothing wrong with either of you. The question then becomes, “Well if there’s nothing wrong with me and my partner, then why can’t I get pregnant?” As much as you’re glad to hear[Read More…]

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Failures

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Failures

When a couple has experienced repeated failures in conceiving a baby and have exhausted every other conceivable alternatives such as fertility drugs, surgery, and artificial insemination, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is likely to be their next and final option. IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. When the IVF procedure[Read More…]

Hypo and Hyper Thyroidism: Causes, Treatments

Hypo and Hyper Thyroidism: Causes, Treatments

Hypothyroidism is a disorder in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Conversely, Hyperthyroidism is a disorder in which the thyroid gland produces and secretes excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. Essentially what this means is that hypothyroidism can cause a woman’s bodily functions to slow down, while hyperthyroidism does the opposite; it causes the bodily function of[Read More…]

Irregular Periods (Oligomenorrhea) Causes, Treatments

Irregular Periods (Oligomenorrhea) Causes, Treatments

Irregular Periods or also called Oligomenorrhea for those of you without a dictionary– is a medical term which refers to irregular or infrequent menstrual periods. Intervals may vary, but an irregular period is usually defined as a menstrual cycle that is consistently shorter than 21 days or consistently longer than 36 days. You can also be considered “irregular” if your[Read More…]

Low Sperm Count and Pregnancy

Low Sperm Count and Pregnancy

Did you know that low sperm count can affect pregnancy process? Couples who are endeavoring to start trying to conceive may need to diagnose and test their fertility first. The fertility test includes a semen test (go to : nlm.nih.gov) to check the quality and quantity of sperm. In order to get pregnant, a man has to have at least[Read More…]